Hands Free Life by Rachel Macy Stafford

We all yearn for a life that we know has purpose, but what do you do when you feel your life is nothing but distractions? You turn to the new book from Rachel Macy Stafford titled Hands Free Life: 9 Habits for Overcoming Distraction, Living Better & Loving More.

Stafford challenges you, throughout the book, to create habits that will aid you in having a better life. All through this well written book are strategies that you can implement to help live a life that will leave a legacy that you would be proud of.

This book is very relevant to today’s society since we live in a world where distractions are around every corner. Whether it’s a phone, cleaning, or even social media, we need to prioritize what means the most to us and focus on that for a better life.

There are so many great ideas that I know I will be implementing into my daily living that I would love to list them all, but just go buy the book. Trust me, you won’t regret any time you spend reading this book, and you will certainly love changing your focus and putting your heart where you truly want it...loving more.

{Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of the book, from the publishers, in exchange for my honest opinion.}
