On This Christmas from Zondervan Gift Books

It's no secret that Christmas time is my absolute favorite time of the year. I love everything about it. The Christmas lights that twinkle in the night, the wonderful smells of cookies, candies, and spiced drinks, and the best part, the memories that I make with my family. I am so excited for this new book from Zondervan that's titled On This Christmas because I can keep track of the those memories in a keepsake book that my children can look back on for many years.

This beautiful book is a hardcover, sturdy book that will last for many years, long after the 5 years of journaling. I really love the design of the cover because it evokes a classic Christmas feel to me. It's a dark blue with red, green, and gold leaves on it. As you can see from the picture, it's beautiful.

Now, the inside was the best part. You have 5 years of writing prompts for each day of December unto the 25th. The prompts are the same for each year so you can see how you have evolved over the 5 years and how your memories and thoughts have changed. There is plenty of room to write on the pages because they are mainly lined with the writing prompt at the top.

As for the pages themselves, I was a little concerned when I requested this book, that they might be a little thin to write on, but I was pleasantly surprised to find out that they were thick and stood up to any pen that I used and didn't bleed. Now, I am not saying they will withstand all pens, but the ones I used didn't bleed through to the other pages. I love when the publishers think about the small details like that when creating a journal.

I think this would be an amazing book to invest in for the Christmas season. I plan on writing through this one for the next 5 years, and probably getting another copy for the 5 years after that. It's really a great way to keep memories for years to come.

{Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book, from the publisher, in exchange for a honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.}
