Better Together by Jill Savage with Anne McClane

Parenting is hard. It's especially hard when you feel like you are doing it all alone. There are certain things that can make being a parent a little easier and one of them is finding your tribe. Women who can walk along side you and help you through all the ups and downs of being a mother. The old saying is true, it does take a village and when you don't have that support, things can get very messy.

In Better Together: Because You're Not Meant to Mom Alone by Jill Savage with Anne McClane, Savage shows you how to find and cultivate the friendships that are necessary for walking the parenting path and not lose your mind. Savage gives you the perfect step by step method of finding and nourishing the friendships that can help make being a mother so much easier. She walks you through, and describes, the different types of friends that you will have in your life, how to find those friends and the places you can expect to meet them, how to start the relationship and continue the growth of the relationship, and even the pitfalls that can ruin any relationship.

What I really loved about this book, besides the encouragement that it gave to me, was the fact that she addressed some of the biggest blunders that any relationship can have in our society today. Savage touches on the topic of social media and how we are to reliant on it and need to get back to meeting each other, face to face. Our tribe is out there and if we are willing to put in the work, we can find them!

I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED this book. I think it should be gifted to all new mothers, or mothers in general because there is so much hope and encouragement that can help you get through the dark, lonely times of when it feels like you are mothering alone. But, I don't think that this book is just for mothers. Women of all ages could use some of the tips, strategies, and hope that she has throughout the pages. Just because you might feel lonely right now, it doesn't have to last. Your tribe is waiting for you!

{Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.}
