Craving Connection from The (in)Courage Community

Relationships are an important part of our lives. We all long for meaningful ones. Ones that will allow us to be fully who we are, and if you are like me, ones that will also encourage you to draw deeper to God and be more fully present in His glory. Craving Connection by the (in)Courage Community helps you to be more present and purposeful in the relationships you have surrounding you.

In this book there are 30 "life challenges" that are written by different authors. Each woman share a personal part of her life and what she has learn from that time. Written in the form of a devotional, each story is only a few pages long, but don't let that fool you, these few pages are FILLED to the brim with beautiful words that will touch your heart and push you to reflect on where you are in your relationships at this time in your life.

As for the format, I really liked it. The book itself is broken up into three parts: Connecting with God More Deeply, Connecting with Friends More Purposefully, and Connecting with Community More Intentionally. What I loved the most, though, is the way each devotional was formatted. Of course you have your devotional reading, but you also have scripture verse, a "Consider" section, a prompt to engage your current tribe or community, "Connection Questions" that will help you reflect upon your reading that can be used as journal prompts if you wanted, a prayer, and a "Connection Challenge." I loved how this book gives you so many opportunities to find ways to connect with others. With all the extra challenges and idea for connection there is no excuse to be a long and disconnect with your world.

I really loved this book. I honestly can't find anything about it that I would consider a con. It truly is a wonderful book.

(Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.)
