31 Verses to Write on Your Heart by Liz Curtis Higgs

Liz Curtis Higgs is a well known author and one I love reading. She has so much wisdom to share and impart into a woman's life. In her new book 31 Verses to Write on Your Heart she shares, what she believes to be, the most valuable scriptures you can bury deep into your being.

This book is unbelievably wonderful! 31 Verses has made a huge impact in my faith and will continue to play a very big part in my walk.

What I love is that Higgs breaks down each verse which has helped me to understand God's word better and, to be honest, has helped me memorize them easier. She even goes as far as going back to the original text of the word to help you learn more.

My goal this year has been to learn more scripture and memorize it. This is a book that I will be keeping with me all the time. It's small enough that I can throw it into my purse for memorization on the go.

Higgs also includes a small study guide at the back of the book so you could include this in your church curriculmn for your women's ministry if you wanted or you could just grab a group of friends that you can all be accountable to and work together to hide God's word in your hearts.

I HIGHLY reccomend this book because it's wonderful. I have not found a book, to date, that has shown me how possible memorization of scripture could be.

{Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.}
