Siren's Fury by Mary Weber

I have an affinity for book series. I love that the story from the first book can be carried on to another and another, and sometimes, even more. I love getting drawn in to a world that will give me time to live another life and the anticipation of the next book can sometimes be a little overwhelming.

This was the way I was feeling with the series by Mary Weber and the second book Siren's Fury. I couldn't wait till the book came out and requested it for review the minute I knew it was avaliable. I was both elated and disappointed with this book.

I love the fact that Nym's story continued from the first book since she lived such an interesting life and her story pulled you and didn't let go. But, as I got into this book, I was disappointed to find that it was a considerable amount slower than the first one. I hate to say it, but I got bored with the book easily.

I know that this happens sometimes, the middle book tends to have a lull in the story and action. Hopefully, when the third book comes out, the story will be renewed and there will be an exciting ending. I can't wait to read the next one and find out how Nym's story ends.

{Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of the book from the publisher in exchange for an honest opinion.}
