Anything: The Prayer that Unlocked My God and My Soul by Jennie Allen

How many times do we say that we could do anything for God? How many times do we actually MEAN it?

Jennie Allen has now released an updated version of her book Anything: The Prayer that Unlocked My God and My Soul. Some of us have a longing knowing that we were made for more and do nothing, but Allen took hers to God and prayed to God that she would do ANYTHING He asked.

This newly revised version of her book includes a bible study at the end that can be used for personal use or in a small group setting, along with a chapter about what has happened in her life since writing the initial edition.

I loved reading this book even though the chapters felt a little disjointed and unconnected. But once getting past that, there is some wonderful, convicting words that spill off the pages and create a fire in you to want more.

Her heart in between the covers of this book.

It seems scary to pray to God that you would do anything He asks of you, but after reading Anything, I am feeling very convicted to pray the same prayer that Allen and her husband did. The only question for me is…Am I ready for where God will take me?

Are you ready for where God will take you???

{Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.}
