Battle Ready by Kelly Balarie
There have been so many books lately about the power of our minds, but none of them have had such an impact on me as Battle Ready by Kelly Balarie has. The tag line for this book is a perfect explanation for what is offered by Balarie, "Training your mind to conquer challenges, defeat doubt, and live victoriously." She really does provide this in her book. It's probably one of the most honest tagline I have ever seen. I don't think I have ever called a book a "life-changing" book, but this one is just that. It helped open my eyes and heart to some of the biggest struggles I deal with.
Balarie offers up TONS, and I do mean TONS of tips to help you break free from the thought pattern that will hold your spirit down. I didn't actually count the number of tips, but she said that there are "301 tips here, or something like that." The thing is, these are actually practical tips that you can implement into your life. They aren't just fluff that doesn't matter.
What I really loved is that she has you working through her book which aids in helping us create new connections in the brain. She address the process of neuroplasticity and how we can retrain our brains, actually rewiring them to think the way we SHOULD be thinking. The best part is that she shows you how by telling you stories about herself and how her thought process was and how it can be changed.
I would highly suggest that every woman read this book. It's amazing and filled with life-changing information. I am actually re-reading right after finishing just to re-enforce what she teaches. Repetition is one of the best ways to learn so what better than to re-read it.
{Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.}
Balarie offers up TONS, and I do mean TONS of tips to help you break free from the thought pattern that will hold your spirit down. I didn't actually count the number of tips, but she said that there are "301 tips here, or something like that." The thing is, these are actually practical tips that you can implement into your life. They aren't just fluff that doesn't matter.
What I really loved is that she has you working through her book which aids in helping us create new connections in the brain. She address the process of neuroplasticity and how we can retrain our brains, actually rewiring them to think the way we SHOULD be thinking. The best part is that she shows you how by telling you stories about herself and how her thought process was and how it can be changed.
I would highly suggest that every woman read this book. It's amazing and filled with life-changing information. I am actually re-reading right after finishing just to re-enforce what she teaches. Repetition is one of the best ways to learn so what better than to re-read it.
{Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.}
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