The i Factor by Van Moody

As a mom I have a tendency to forget about myself a lot. There is so much to do and only so much you can get done in one day. In the process, I have found that it's easy to lose yourself to what your supposed to be. In Van Moody's new book The i Factor, he shows you that you can understand yourself and find happiness in your daily task, but you need to know about your significance, identity, and perspective.

Being leery about books that can "help you find happiness" I chose to read this with skeptical eyes. I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised by what I read. I actually enjoyed reading this book. True, a book can not necessarily bring you happiness or even teach you how to be happy, but Moody does give you some wonderful ways to create a life that you can find happiness in. But, you have to be willing to do the work and take responsibility.

One of the most eye opening things for me happened right at the beginning and got me hooked. Most books that talk about faith and happiness just play issues off as "spiritual warfare." I LOVE what Moody says and it's actually the reason I kept reading, "While I am quick to affirm the reality of spiritual warfare, I also think spiritual warfare is cited as the reason for many things that have absolutely nothing to do with the spiritual realm." This...This is what kept me reading this book. He does not just blame spiritual warfare for our bumps in life.

I love Moody's realistic and practical approach in this book, but I also love the foundation in faith. If we don't know who or who's we are, we will never be happy.

If you wanted to use this book for your church curriculum or just for a small group of friends thee is even an 8 week study guide that you can use.

I highly recommend this book for everyone. EVERYONE.

{Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.}
