Lights Out by Ted Koppel
I don't review many book that are political in nature, but Lights Out by Ted Koppel interested me since I have always wondered about the "what-ifs" of our power grids and if they were attacked.
Obviously most people know who Ted Koppel is from his many, many years on ABC News so he is very familiar face and a through investigator, especially when taking on a news story and his experience carries over into the writing of this book.
Lights Out is both very informative and extremely scary. Koppel shows how, we as a nation, are unprepared for a cyber attack on our power grids. He shows how we can prepare ourselves for the aftermath because, as he shows, it’s not an “if’ the attack on our grids will happen, it’s a “when.”
Koppel in the book later shows us how one community of people in the US are more prepared than all of the rest of us. They would happen to be the Mormons. We could learn A LOT from how they run their communities since the government won't’ be able help everyone so we must be prepared to help ourselves.
This book really is a scary read because it will happen. But, it’s also a very important read so that we can prepare ourselves for when it does happen. The more prepared we are, the better.
{I received a copy of this book, from the publisher, for the purpose of this review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.}
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