Sand in My Sandwich by Sarah Parshall Perry

Sand in My Sandwich by Sarah Parshall Perry is a new book filled with moments in motherhood.  Moments that I know we all have, but might not talk about.  Moments that teach us to love the imperfect life that we are constantly struggling to hide from others.

Perry was a type A attorney who feel in love with a less than tidy cowboy. After having 3 kids, 2 of which fall on the autism spectrum, she finds herself in the middle of a less than perfect existence, completely different than what she had before. 

Throughout the book, Perry offers up plenty of examples of times where she finds God in the craziness of life.  She pretty much sums up her book before it ever gets started by saying, “Spoiler alert: God is not in an immaculate house, hand-crafted baby announcements, or duck consommé.  God is not in all the perfect things we naively think we need, or all the things we see perfectly staged in magazines about which we can later feel guilty because we don’t have the time, money, or energy to accomplish them for ourselves.”

While I thought the book was filled with a few laughs here and there, I felt like it was slow and hard to read because I became bored quickly.  She talks about how she gave up perfection to be a wife and mother, but I think that a lot of women have the same story, but don’t get paid to write it…I know I do. 

Although this isn’t a favorite of mine and really didn't touch my life, I think that mothers with special needs children might benefit from this book.  They will find some reassurance that they are not alone in their parenting walk.  That they are holding in their hands the story of someone who understands their trials and struggles.  Sand in my Sandwich might become a go-to book for them.

{Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.  All thoughts and opinions are my own.}
